DeSantis’ Immigration Stunt Didn’t Go Entirely as Planned

Whatever happened to the 49 migrants who were flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in 2022? Pawns in an elaborate scheme to elevate the anti-immigrant bonafides of the ambitious governor, it seemed as if they had landed among the forgotten souls sidelined by the media’s short memory. But last month, in what may go down as one of the greatest ironies of political theater in recent memory, the US government quietly gave eight of them special legal protection.

Before DeSantis could say he kicked migrants out of Florida, he had to pay to fly them in

Documents released by the aviation company that helped manage Florida’s $12 million migrant relocation program shed new light on behind-the-scenes dealings as the administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis, working with the politically connected vendor, wriggled around a requirement that Florida use the money to export Florida migrants — not those living in some other state.

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